Saturday, November 17, 2007
Skipper's Revenge by Julie Teahan
Skipper's Revenge, Julie Teahan's debut novel, is a perfect read for anyone who has ever felt less than perfect. Follow intently as the story's star, Paige Sheehan, copes with the fact that she'll never have the perfect job, the perfect man or the perfect wardrobe. And how does she cope? By embracing her plain-Jane appearance and strutting her stuff.
Paige has a theory: In this world there are Barbies and there are Skippers. Like that famous doll from Mattel, a "Barbie" is glamour personified. You know, the girl who always gets what everyone else can only dream about. And then there is Skipper, Barbie's flat-chested, tagalong little sister. Guess which one Paige is? That's right.
And Paige is okay with that. That is, until her gorgeous boyfriend (who just happens to be named Ken) dumps her for a specimen of proportionate improbability — a Barbie. She's had enough. But can she get over her jealousy of the Barbies of the world enough to believe that she is as deserving of her life's desires as the most immaculate of beauty queens?
Well, I don't want to spoil anything. But if you're hungry for more, stop by Julie Teahan's site for Barbie trivia, excerpts and press about Skipper's Revenge.
Visit Julie Tehan's novel "Skipper's Revenge"
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