In playgrounds and classrooms, children constantly barter and negotiate to see who wins or who's first in line. But what if their classmate doesn't look or think like them? What if he wears a turban? What if there's a red dot on her mom's forehead? Does communication break down?
Answers to questions like that can be found in Kahani - an award-winning children's magazine you've probably never heard of. Told from the unique perspective of a South Asian child living in America, Kahani (which means story in Hindi) uses contemporary storytelling and very vivid illustrations to spotlight these children and their cultures.
And when our readers (ages 6-11) are ready to express their creativity - after discovering the diversity and richness of South Asian cultures from Nepal and Bhutan to Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka through the non-judgmental stories and features - children are invited them to take part In the exciting Annual Writing and Illustrating Contest running right now (deadline Nov 23). There's absolutely nothing more thrilling for a budding author or artist than seeing their work in actual glossy print!
Completely ad-free and dependent on subscriptions - an anomaly in the publishing world - Kahani has won several awards, including two from the Parents' Choice Foundation in the last two years. Of course, no ads means they make no money and pay no salaries - the writers and illustrators only receive modest honorariums - BUT the passion of their mission makes them feel truly rich.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could raise children with a deeper understanding of where "other" people come from? Please help and do your bit to educate future global citizens, spread the word on Kahani.
Visit Kahani