In my house watching TV is a privilege that must be earned with good behavior and completion of all school work and chores. The reward is 1 hr of “screen” time. Our child can choose between computer, TV, game system, or supervised Internet play. Very rarely is TV chosen and as parents, we are elated that this is “given up.”
Pre-teen programming has many issues that send our child into rages. Violence, disrespect for adults, picking on other children, and the list continues. This is just speaking of the programming and not the commercials. The commercials promote a “want” atmosphere with a sedentary life of playing games via “screens”, eating and drinking unhealthy products filled with high fructose corn syrup, dyes, and other substances that a growing mind and body can do without.
Britain is taking a step in the right direction by discontinuing all commercial that promote Junk foods with high fat, sugar and salt. Below are a two UK links on this topic:
What lead up to this ban? Who is responsible? We need to bring those people into the US and strive for the same outcome. We would still have to deal with many other issues surrounding poor children’s programming and commercials, but promoting healthy eating for this young generation may enable these young people to live a longer and healthier life.
Many schools are stepping in the right direction by banning junk on campus. Again, Britain is taking the lead and banning all junk foods in all schools across the country.
Students are still able to bring junk food to school with them. In reality, this problem needs to be more closely monitored by concerned parents who are striving to raise emotionally and physically healthy children.