We have all heard horror stories of innocent victims who have had their identity stolen from thieves. Credit cards charged to the max, bank accounts tapped into. My own mother had her credit card used by a fraudulent user a few months ago. I’m not sure if it will ever be straightened out.
My husband is compulsive about records and numbers. Nothing can go in the trash with a number, name, or account. I try to make a joke about it with my husband “really, no one wants to be you.” We have 2 shredders – just in case one breaks down :0 I realize that this could potentially be a serious problem, but the likelihood of it happening to any one person is low. It has been called a nightmare by many for the person who has their identity used. Therefore, we are vigilant with our records and “numbers.”
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) offers a PowerPoint presentation, streaming video, and multiple downloadable brochures to educate the public about ID theft. There are also various resources to help those who have had their identities stolen. These include what to do and how to file reports and complaints.
Educate yourself, family and children about Identity theft … I’ve heard that someone may want to be you!
Monday, March 19, 2007
You want to be me?
bank account,
credit card,
ID theft,
identity theft,
stolen identity
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