Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Image Creation and Use

I have been recently researching the use of created images and clip art for use in my published material. I have come to the realization that there seems to be four options available.

1. Hand draw my own illustrations and images
2. Hire an illustrator to create illustrations and images
3. Draw images and illustrations using a computer program
4. Purchase the rights of illustrations and images

After hand drawing many images, I came to the realization that I was looking for a more professional look to accompany my work. Hiring an illustrator did not seem cost effective for the amount and variety of images needed.

This led me to numbers 3 & 4. I purchased the health edition of SmartDraw and began using it last week. I am amazed at the ease of the program and the amount of images available for creative use. I was able to download the program and try it out first – a wonderful hook that lead me to purchase the full rights to the program. I have been easily able to draw various science diagrams and images.

However, I will be looking for additional science illustrations and images which I can purchase the rights to use in my own creative work. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as far as additional computer drawing programs and science illustrations that can be purchased having full creative rights.

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