How would you like to be that "someone?" GTA IV maker RockStar Games and exclusive partner GameStop are set to level the playing field all over again, making this the perfect time to jump in and impress everybody. With the highly anticipated release of GTA IV on April 28 still weeks away, they're throwing gamers a really meaty bone with GameStop's new feature-rich commercial, now on YouTube.com.
To sweeten the pot, GameStop is also sponsoring a sweepstakes with a $10,000 cash prize and a trip to "Liberty City" for the winner. And, naturally, everybody can preorder in-store and online now, too. If there's another thing gamers hate, it's standing in lines with the masses.
Visit GameStop/Grand Theft Auto IV
Warning: Mature Content. You must be 17 years of age or older to view the YouTube video.