Looking for customer support? Before gethuman.com, we'd probably have told you to enjoy the wait. These days, it seems most companies are set up to keep you from ever reaching a human when you call for assistance — instead, they've got you pressing every button on your phone. It was out of this phone call frustration that gethuman was created.
Just as its name suggests, this site provides callers with the best way to "get a human" when calling a company. Whether it's an insider's trick (like pressing *## for Western Union), just hitting 0, or doing nothing at all (they'll think you have a rotary phone), you'll be spending a lot more time getting your problem solved and a lot less time in automated purgatory. And with hundreds of companies listed — from AAA to Yahoo! — chances are you'll find the human you're looking for.
You'll also find Caller Tips and a Discussion Board on gethuman.com, so you can share your discoveries with (or ask for help from) other users and find the best way to locate the phone numbers you're looking for.
Next time you need to get in touch with a business, don't go through another button-pushing marathon — get a human. Visit gethuman