Drugs, bullies, gangs, strangers - the potential dangers facing kids these days are numerous. You want them to be safe, but it's not always the easiest thing to sit them down and give them advice they're going to want to listen to (or remember). So why not try teaming up with McGruff the Crime Dog?
Parents and kids have been looking to McGruff for almost thirty years for facts and tips about safety and crime prevention - now you and your family can look to McGruff.org. The site is loaded with fun interactive games and stories, videos, downloads and advice, all featuring McGruff and his nephew Scruff, helping show your children how they can stay safe. There's even a section with information for parents and educators, so you can reinforce everything your kids are learning from the crime-fighting hound dog.
You don't have to teach your kids about safety alone - let McGruff give you a hand!