Do you love your life? Do you wake up excited and energized to start the day and then fall asleep at night fully satisfied, wishing for nothing? As happy as you are, I’ll bet you have at least one important goal that you haven't yet accomplished. What is it for you? A career change? Do you want to start your own business? Run your first marathon? Or, maybe your goal is to find more time to work in your garden and enjoy other hobbies.
So why aren't you doing it? Well, if you're like me, undertaking new goals can seem like a lot of work. The process becomes overwhelming and we don't know where to begin. We need motivation and a clear direction for how to move forward. What if someone could show you how to tap into powerful strengths you may not realize you have, so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals?
That's just what Vickie Milazzo does with her empowering and enlightening bestseller, Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn't Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now. Vickie shares her experience starting with a dream and $100 in her bank account and shows how she turned her vision into a $14-million enterprise. Based on Vickie's own success, she writes for ANY woman who wants to realize her dreams for career and life.Inside Every Woman is a very personal book, both in terms of the stories Vickie shares, and also the process of getting to the heart of your own dreams.
Inside Every Woman is a book to be read, shared, and discussed among groups of women. In fact, it's a perfect book group pick. As you read, you'll feel like you're sitting down for coffee with a good friend… a really smart friend who gives you the confidence you need to live the life you want. See, often what we need to start living our dreams is simply permission to focus on ourselves and our goals. Vickie gives you permission and more—she gives you the plan!
Inside Every Woman shows you how to tap into your 10 feminine strengths and put together an action plan. It begins with making 5 Promises to yourself that will help you establish a positive outlook and forward momentum toward reaching your goals. From a commitment to live passionately, to reaching out to other women around you with Female FusionSM, each strength is accompanied by daily actions, savvy advice, real-life stories from other women, and plenty of wisdom to inspire you on your new journey. You'll find a take-away on every page.
We all know that the benefits of living a fulfilling, passionate life are enormous to both our mental and physical well-being. Isn't it time to start living your dreams? Are you ready to help other women start to live theirs? Vickie Milazzo is ready to show you how!
Want to learn more about the author? Read Vickie Milazzo's biography.
For reviews, media appearances, a reading group guide and more, visit InsideEveryWoman.com.
Read the complete list of 10 Feminine Forces.