Spencer Johnson’s book “Who Moved My Cheese?” gives individuals many suggestions on how viewing changes and negative situation in a positive and opportunistic way will lead us to a possibly more rewarding situation or opportunities that may have not been realized.
Being an optimist, it is extremely easy for me to integrate positive changes to my life. When dealing with any situation, I often try to realize and view the change as an opportunity for me to grow as a person and if at work, professionally. It is equally important for me to model positive attitudes surrounding change with my children and my students. In this way, these young people will realize that change can be seen as an opportunity and staying stagnant is not always the best for learning and growth. Finally, listening and applying suggestions from my fellow educators at work is a way to continuously grow and change as an educator.
To learn more about Johnson’s Three Stages of Change visit the flowing link:
To learn more about the author, Spencer Johnson, MD, visit the following link:
And to learn more about this very popular, motivational book visit the following link:
Being an optimist, it is extremely easy for me to integrate positive changes to my life. When dealing with any situation, I often try to realize and view the change as an opportunity for me to grow as a person and if at work, professionally. It is equally important for me to model positive attitudes surrounding change with my children and my students. In this way, these young people will realize that change can be seen as an opportunity and staying stagnant is not always the best for learning and growth. Finally, listening and applying suggestions from my fellow educators at work is a way to continuously grow and change as an educator.
To learn more about Johnson’s Three Stages of Change visit the flowing link:
To learn more about the author, Spencer Johnson, MD, visit the following link:
And to learn more about this very popular, motivational book visit the following link: