It may seem hard to believe that games could help improve your cognitive abilities, but it's true — well, for the scientifically designed games and exercises found on Lumosity, at least. They're created by some of the country's leading scientists in cognitive psychology, bioinformatics and neuroscience and are made specifically to develop your memory, processing speed, attention and cognitive control.
Lumosity users have experienced:
Clearer and quicker thinking
Improved memory for names, numbers, directions, etc. Increased alertness and awareness
Elevated mood
Better concentration at work or while driving
I know what you're thinking — "Processing speed? Cognitive control? Just how boring are these games?" But that's the best part. They're fun (and, I'll admit, slightly addicting). Monster Garden, Moneycomb, Lost in Migration, Chalkboard Challenge — visit Lumosity.com to check them all out and sign up for a free 14-day trial. Your brain will thank you later.