If you're like most people, you've got things you want to get done — lose weight, learn a new language, make more money, go back to school. But, let's face it, sometimes it can be less than easy to stay motivated. And, hey, who's watching to make sure you keep on track anyway? Well now you can have hundreds of thousands of fellow achievers watching your back.
43Things.com is a social networking site where users list their goals, share their progress and cheer each other on. Start by creating your account (it's free), then sharing your objectives. Your list will be compared to the goals of over one million other 43Things.com users and you'll get to see who's in the same boat as you. Next, keep people up-to-date as you knock down each goal so they know that it's doable. Finally, cheer people on and they'll cheer you on, too!
You don't have to do it alone. Check out 43Things.com and get your own personal cheering section. Visit 43 Things