Contrary to popular belief, the IRS is not out to ruin your life. In fact, when it comes to tax time, they provide you with pretty much everything you need to file easily and accurately. Can't make it out to pick up your forms? Print them right from IRS.gov. Want to get your refund (lucky you!) more quickly? File electronically from links found right on their site. And they're way ahead of you with potential questions. Most likely anything you can come up with, they've already answered and listed on the site. They're pretty omniscient that way.
But this year's big, exciting tax news is the Economic Stimulus Payment. Check out the Payment Calculator on IRS.gov to see if you're eligible and how much you should expect to receive. And while we're talking about receiving money, stop by the "Where's My Refund" section of the site to see how far along your return is and when the IRS will be sending out your check. Hooray!
So whether you're a student, a farmer, self-employed, retired, active in the military, a parent or whatever, the IRS wants to help you out when you're looking to file your taxes (after all, neat and precise returns are in their best interest).
Before you try to go it alone, stop by IRS.gov and see what they have to offer. But hurry, it's crunch time!