If you love it, set it free — if it's a book, that is. Register your favorite reads with BookCrossing.com, then release them into the wild for someone else to discover and enjoy.
Track your most cherished tomes (or the books you're just ready to pass along) across the globe as they travel from one reader to the next. Getting your book ready for its journey is much easier than actually letting it go. Just create a free account at BookCrossing.com and have a BookCrossing ID number assigned to your novel, textbook, encyclopedia or whatever it is you want to share. Label it with the BCID number, then leave it somewhere. A park bench, subway station, coffee shop — anywhere you think someone will find it. That's it!
You can use the site to locate "wild" books, too. Search by city to see if any have been left in your area. With nearly 65,000 members in over 130 countries, there's bound to be a book close by! But if there isn't anything at the moment, turn to BookCrossing to keep you occupied with forums where you can discuss authors, characters and your favorite books in dozens of genres with other users.
Go ahead and share your love of literacy with the world — you may just get some book-love in return! Visit Book Crossing
Track your most cherished tomes (or the books you're just ready to pass along) across the globe as they travel from one reader to the next. Getting your book ready for its journey is much easier than actually letting it go. Just create a free account at BookCrossing.com and have a BookCrossing ID number assigned to your novel, textbook, encyclopedia or whatever it is you want to share. Label it with the BCID number, then leave it somewhere. A park bench, subway station, coffee shop — anywhere you think someone will find it. That's it!
You can use the site to locate "wild" books, too. Search by city to see if any have been left in your area. With nearly 65,000 members in over 130 countries, there's bound to be a book close by! But if there isn't anything at the moment, turn to BookCrossing to keep you occupied with forums where you can discuss authors, characters and your favorite books in dozens of genres with other users.
Go ahead and share your love of literacy with the world — you may just get some book-love in return! Visit Book Crossing