Sunday, December 30, 2007
A Free Game - to win cash and gift cards
Netwinner – it is a free site that gives away cash and gift cards – they play ads (so I am guessing that is how they make their money).
The site let’s you “spin” their wheel 100 times a day and until the end of the month they have 2x, 5x, 10x, 25x the points/cash – the jackpot is over $1,000,000 – they also let you play a Bingo type game 10 times a day… looks like the might be launching some new games next year…
I played yesterday and racked up 10,000 points already! Good Luck Spinning :)
Resolve to “Feeling Better” in the New Year

If any of the following symptoms sound familiar to you: anxiety, migraines, headaches, stress, depression, fatigue, arthritis, lower back pain, insomnia, indigestion and you have not found relief from your medical provider, I highly recommend reading and following Barsky and Deans “6-Week Mind-Body Program to ease your Chronic Symptoms.”
Through their step-by-step plan you will slowly change the way you perceive your symptoms and the way you approach life. You will spend time reflecting, journaling, becoming more active “in life,” finding and using stress reducing activities on a regular basis, concentrating on better nutrition and discovering an exercise program that will work for you.
In addition to examples and strategies, real-life stories and examples are provided for the reader. This is the type of self-help book that should be read more than once to gain the full benefit and to reinforce positive thinking and goal attainment over a period of time. I challenge you to resolve to “Feeling Better” in the New Year.
“Feeling Better”
By: Arthur Barsky, M.D. & Emily Deans, M.D.
Publisher: Collins
ISBN: 978-0-06-076614-6
BathTime - BedTime Fun
Elizabeth & Anthony's 2nd Birthday
Most of the family had to cancel coming in for the party because of the terrible snow storm overnight and that morning… but we still went ahead and celebrated. Enjoy :)
Monday, December 17, 2007
Overcoming the Force of Violence

Through the story of “The Kite Runner”, we read and enjoy the deep friendship and bond between two young boys. Hassan proves over and over his loyalty to Amir, while Amir yearns for his father’s approval and love. This bond is ultimately broken by bullies, fear, confusion and the Afghan rules and society. I felt a closeness to each of the characters in this story and felt as though I was struggling to make decisions with them as they were living their lives. I wanted to give them my input especially to Hassan and Amir. In fact, the character development was told in such a magnificent way that one instance took me by surprise.
This is a brilliantly told story and one that will not be forgotten. As an American, I was taken into an unknown culture. I was intrigued by the author’s descriptions of Afghanistan and the various cities and cultural areas. I enjoyed reading about the preparations for and the kite flying contests that occurred in the Afghan winters of past. I was saddened by the treatment of the less fortunate, the abused and abandoned orphans, and the rampant destruction of property and human life by the Taliban.
The foreshadowing in the plotline was woven in carefully so that the reader was not readily aware that this element would appear in the future. In addition, I was pleased to have several of the plot resolutions end in a way that I had anticipated.
I highly recommend this novel and I am looking forward to the motion picture that is in theaters this month.
By Khaled Hosseini
Publisher: Riverhead Books
ISBN: 978-1-59448-000-3
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Global Warming - Hype or Real?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
College on your Mind? Here is a College Planning Tip
College on your Mind? Here is a College Planning Tip
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
How did music in the Sixties impact you?
In the Family Room, my parents had a TV that was enclosed in this beautiful wooden table. The side tops of the table opened up and inside was a record player and records. I would sneak downstairs to borrow my parent’s albums and take them up to my record player since I did not have any “grown-up” records of my own.
I remember listening to music of the 60’s as a child, and wishing these albums were mine to keep in my room. When I was a little older, my mother gave me her collection of 45’s also music from the 60’s. I listened to these little records over and over, never tiring of the “grown-up” music. I’m not sure where these 45’s are now, I may have given them back to my mom or they may be in one of my stored boxes, but I will never forget the music of the 60’s and how it made me feel all grown-up.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Where were you when President Kennedy Was Assassinated?
In my early 20’s I was fortunate to be able to travel most of the United States. During my travels I always visited historically significant places, museums, etc. While in Dallas, TX, one of the places I visited was the “X” on the street where Kennedy was fatally shot and a very simple monument that is dedicated in his name nearby.

I have also visited Kennedy’s Eternal Flame located at Arlington Cemetery. While visiting both places, I felt peaceful and thoughtful reverence to our lost president.

"Plane" Jane Discovers Life and Art

This novel is centered on the theme of art. However, the reader does not need to know anything about art to enjoy this heartwarming story. This Novel is not a true romance story; it is more in the category of “chick-lit.” However, I would imagine many men would also enjoy Jane’s quirky nature and her experiences in the art world.
I found that this was a very quickly paced novel as Jane and the famous artist Ian traveled around the globe promoting Ian’s artwork. I was eager to read of their adventures together and the mishaps along the way. I was very please by Jane’s character development throughout this story. She began as a very week and uncertain individual who needed to rely on others. In the end, she was transformed into a strong woman who knew exactly what she wanted out of life and carrier and was able to vocalize her feelings and solve her own problems.
One major theme presented in this novel is to always think positive of situations that may seem negative or not fit into our plans. You may find unexpected growth in yourself by remaining positive and finding the “good” in all situations.
By Alison Pace
Publisher: Berkley
ISBN: 0-425-20024-8
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Fun Read with Great Food, Wine, and Company

As we learn about Rick Dockery’s pathetic football carrier which continues through much of the first half of the book, you have to wonder if anyone who plays a sport so poorly and for the NFL could actually exist. Throughout the novel, Rick grows in so many different directions. Italy will certainly leave a permanent mark on this character. He finds friends, a great girl, contentment, and even improves his game. There is truly growth in his character leaving us to wonder where his next adventure will lead.
Throughout this novel, and through Rick, the reader learns a little about the NFL, but mostly about Italian football, life, food, wine and sites. This short novel is quickly paced and I found I was eager to continue on with Rick and his adventures throughout Italy.
Unlike Grisham’s normal crime, court and lawyer novels, “Playing for Pizza” proved to be a wonderful short read that inspires us to keep working hard, even if we are struggling and want to give up.
“Playing for Pizza”
By John Grisham
Publisher: Doubleday
ISBN: 978-0-385-52500-8
What role does the United States have in curtailing Global Climate Change?
Feel free to respond at the following link:
What role does the United States have in curtailing Global Climate Change
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Kill Me Instead

Publisher: Bantam
ISBN: 978-0-553-80481-2
As a writer, Koontz is improving. I found that this novel had very little rambling about his characters and scenes. His development of characters was amazing. I found that even though I despised the evil character, Krait, I was just as attached to him as I was the main characters, Tim and Linda.
This novel had a very interesting and scary plot. What made this Novel so intensely frightening was that it was a plausible situation. It is a plot that could very well be happening or could happen to anyone that unknowingly was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Krait had received payment by his “people” numerous times previously to kill. This time, the payment was for Linda. In a strange mix-up, Tim was given the money to perform the hit on Linda and refused to give it to the killer, Krait. Instead, Tim took it upon himself to save Linda from the determined killer. A cat-mouse chase ensues where Tim and Linda are unable to escape Krait and eventually they must face him.
I do not think the reader is totally surprised by the ending, but what is surprising is what we learn about the characters and why the mission to kill Linda took place. Anyone that enjoys crime novels, mystery, and suspense will find this a very entertaining read.
Digital Photography Review
Whether you're a long time fan of digital photography or just delving into it, make your homepage, because you'll never need to go anywhere else. News, reviews and a comprehensive database of digital cameras make this site a must for the DP novice and expert alike.
The Digital Photography Encyclopedia may have been a more appropriate title. This site has all the information you need to start or extend a long-lasting relationship with digital cameras and imaging. Get the latest news about upcoming product releases, read reviews on the newest gear and check out galleries of photos taken from cameras featured on the site. Then head to the forums to discuss it all with fellow enthusiasts.
If you're in the market for your first camera (or just looking to upgrade), visit the Buyer's Guide, where you can select the features and specifications you're most interested in and find the camera that has exactly what you need. (Not sure what a color filter array sensor is? No problem — the glossary and tutorials will answer virtually any question you have.) And once you've met your dream camera, Digital Photography Review even provides you with links to buy it right online.
From research to purchase, Digital Photography Review's got you covered.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Dark and Cold.... always

One very strong theme presented in this novel was love. The characters in this story were nameless. However, I felt a deep and strong connection to the father and son as they traveled to find the good people and a better place. I was disappointed in the end as there was no clear resolution of finding a warmer, safer environment.
In reflection, I guess all books and stories do not have resolutions or happy endings. However, being human, we yearn for stories that give us hope and make us feel good. This book did not do that, it left me depressed and prayerful that this will never be a world in which myself or my children will have to live or try to survive.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Skipper's Revenge by Julie Teahan

Skipper's Revenge, Julie Teahan's debut novel, is a perfect read for anyone who has ever felt less than perfect. Follow intently as the story's star, Paige Sheehan, copes with the fact that she'll never have the perfect job, the perfect man or the perfect wardrobe. And how does she cope? By embracing her plain-Jane appearance and strutting her stuff.
Paige has a theory: In this world there are Barbies and there are Skippers. Like that famous doll from Mattel, a "Barbie" is glamour personified. You know, the girl who always gets what everyone else can only dream about. And then there is Skipper, Barbie's flat-chested, tagalong little sister. Guess which one Paige is? That's right.
And Paige is okay with that. That is, until her gorgeous boyfriend (who just happens to be named Ken) dumps her for a specimen of proportionate improbability — a Barbie. She's had enough. But can she get over her jealousy of the Barbies of the world enough to believe that she is as deserving of her life's desires as the most immaculate of beauty queens?
Well, I don't want to spoil anything. But if you're hungry for more, stop by Julie Teahan's site for Barbie trivia, excerpts and press about Skipper's Revenge.
Visit Julie Tehan's novel "Skipper's Revenge"
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Fiery Historical Novel

“Fire Bell in the Night”
By: Geoffrey Edwards
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 978-1-4165-6424-9
Crime, conspiracy, manipulation, racism, slavery, honesty, and mystery are all themes dealt with in this page turning novel. The setting is pre-civil war in the US. The mix of detailed history and research provides a rich learning experience about America of the past through the telling of a unique historical trial in the South. North-South divisions are debated through the perspectives of southern plantation owners, residents and a northern reporter, John Sharp.
Throughout this story, we learn about a simple man, Darcy Calhoun, who is charged with harboring a slave. We learn about this man’s history and fate through the investigative reporting of John Sharp. John uncovers many secrets that are held by the plantation owners throughout his adventures.
Angry mobs and fires are common occurrences in this normally quant city of Charleston, SC. John’s little friend Samuel helps to research the fires and disturbances around the city which lead to further discoveries and several near death experiences for John.
At the end of the trial, John struggles with the information he uncovers about his new friend Darcy Calhoun. John must decide how to handle this information as he will have to live with these decisions that will impact the rest of his life. These life changing experiences make John a stronger character as he has grown from a novice questioning reporter to a decisive strong man at the conclusion of the novel.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A Murder Mystery with Fishing on the Side

“Blue Heron Marsh” by Douglas Quinn
ISBN: 978-0-595-45822-6
Publisher: iUniverse
“Blue Heron Marsh” is a unique mystery told from the perspective of a loner Webb Sawyer, who must deal with his difficult past to bring him into today’s world in order to solve a series of murders.
We learn about quiet life and fishing though Webb’s life. He lives for fishing and shares this passion with all that touch his life throughout this novel. We also see a transformation in Webb Sawyer as he deals with the difficult situation presented to him while serving the US. His closest friend looses trust in Webb and he is forced to reconnect with an old friend Bly after making several bad decisions. Bly helps to ground Webb, bringing him into the technological age and finds him the perfect fishing and hanging out buddy that he desperately needs.
Begrudgingly, Webb assists a soon to be Private Investigator, Amanda, as she hunts down clues across the state of NC trying to free her friend Clara from jail and find the true murder of a well known business man. Amanda believes that she has found convincing clues that prove her friend is innocent and seductively begs for Webb to help her and present her case to her former boss and an old friend of Webb, the prosecutor, Randy Fearing. After reviewing Amanda’s research and following her lead, Webb gives in and agrees that something is not right about this case.
After Amanda leaves the case, Webb continues to follow his gut feeling and seek additional information about other murders around the state that occurred in the same fashion. His research leads him to confront the killer and he finds that he is perplexed as to what to do once he knows the past and truth.
The twists and turns and unexpected events in this novel will continually make you second guess who is at fault and what should be done about the evidence that is uncovered.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Go out to the movies this weekend. Go shopping. Catch up with old friends. Or find care you can trust while you're away on business or vacation. connects families with trustworthy babysitters, nannies, dog walkers, tutors, and elder caregivers through a variety of family memberships to fit every budget. Read expert advice on care planning through our exclusive editorial content, including articles, resources, and Sheila's Blog, written by Founder and CEO Sheila Marcelo.
Search by your ZIP Code or metro area to find local caregivers who match your exact needs. Search results include profiles with photos, video interviews, experience, availability, and references, which you can view before contacting a caregiver about a job. Plus, families can request free background checks on any caregiver as part of their monthly membership-unlike anywhere else on the Web!
Once families have hired a caregiver, they can then share their experience with the community by rating the caregiver and leaving a review. All caregivers are then ranked using reviews, ratings, and other criteria, and will have a basic, Silver, or Gold status. is simple to use—just Join, Find, and Connect! Locating safe and convenient care has never been easier.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Visit Woot!
Cool electronics products keep's users coming back day after day to get more great deals on the items they love. Digital cameras, DVD makers, portable GPS, projectors, blenders, and USB missile launchers are among the products you might find on Sometimes quirky, sometimes essential, but always cool, Woot's daily deals are definitely worth checking out. You never know what you might find.
Just remember: act fast, you never know when the daily Woot might sell out!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Book Review: "Darkfall" by Dean Koontz

Koontz’s use of imagery throughout the novel is outstanding. I was able to (unwillingly) step into the novel and be part of the action. I truly felt as if I was traveling with the characters throughout the story.
The demonic characters where slowly revealed to us as the gates of hell were opened through a glowing pit dug by the evil character Lavelle. Lavelle practices voodoo, but other than a few references to his rituals, I found that there was much research lacking by Koontz.
The characters Jack and Rebecca were well developed and I felt a strong connection to them, even to the evil forces of Lavelle. There was a strong story line of good vs evil that was carried through the entire book. A lesser love storyline was also present and I found myself enjoying the character development through this route.
Having a 12 year old child, I found one character, Penny, who is 11 years old to be unbelievable. See seemed to present the maturity and dialogue of a much older teen. This was especially evident at the end of the novel.
Overall, this was a fun read, which you should probably not read before bedtime.
Book Review: “The Paper Doorway” Poetry by Dean Koontz

My response to him went something like this “but you love poetry, and you recently were telling me about all the great little ‘stories’ you were reading in your Dean Koontz book.”
His response “That’s not poetry, I liked that book. It was full of funny little stories.”
We had a long discussion after about how poetry takes on many forms and brings many different emotions. The emotions that were felt with Koontz’s poetry made my son feel happy. All poetry is not like that and my son did later admit he enjoys poetry, especially Koontz’s poetry.
“The Paper Doorway” is filled with humorous, whimsical poetry for children of all ages. There are wonderful illustrations on nearly each page and each illustration contains a mouse for your child to find.
This is a must have book for all young readers which will expose them to the joys of poetry.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I Thought It Was Spring?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Natural Filters and Light

Saturday, April 7, 2007
Excellent Fruit

Columbus presented the strange fruit to Queen Isabella and the popularity of ananas spread quickly among the European aristocracy. The English later renamed them "pineapples" due to their resemblance to pine cones.

Friday, April 6, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Image Creation and Use
1. Hand draw my own illustrations and images
2. Hire an illustrator to create illustrations and images
3. Draw images and illustrations using a computer program
4. Purchase the rights of illustrations and images
After hand drawing many images, I came to the realization that I was looking for a more professional look to accompany my work. Hiring an illustrator did not seem cost effective for the amount and variety of images needed.
This led me to numbers 3 & 4. I purchased the health edition of SmartDraw and began using it last week. I am amazed at the ease of the program and the amount of images available for creative use. I was able to download the program and try it out first – a wonderful hook that lead me to purchase the full rights to the program. I have been easily able to draw various science diagrams and images.
However, I will be looking for additional science illustrations and images which I can purchase the rights to use in my own creative work. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as far as additional computer drawing programs and science illustrations that can be purchased having full creative rights.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Photo Contest Results!
I know you all have been just waiting to hear about the photo contest…
I won ! and I’m thrilled!
We have decided to give the entire camera package to Mike’s mom (don’t tell her – we would like to surprise her with it). You can see the prize package on this page – it has a camera, photo printer, docking station for the camera, and photo paper package. She love to take pictures… I’m sure she will really enjoy this.
Thanks for your support!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Is “Freaking” Acceptable?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Top Ten in Photo Contest!!
I have received the honor of having one of my photo’s place in the top ten in Gather's Travel Photo Contest. There were over 2000 entries!
If you would like to view my photo, you can find it at the following link:
Good Luck to all the finalists!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Stop Tagging Me :) Here's my list...
1 - In 1992 I was a circus Dancer (showgirl) with Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus. I had a one year contract and traveled on the circus train visiting the East Coast and Mid West. My least favorite state was Texas only because of the heat - we were there mid summer. If you beg loud enough and produce tons of comments I just might let you see some pictures ;) I have a great one of me on a motorcycle. That year the girls did not ride the elephants, we rode motorcycles!
2 - My "nick name" zard92 stems from my year in the circus. I was the second Lisa in the group of Dancers and it was becoming way too confusing... so I was delegated to have a nickname... I was drinking something green and stuck out my tongue... the girls called me a lizard... I shortened it to Zard. So there you have it, I was Zard for the year 1992!
3 - I don't like feet. No, I don't want to rub your feet and please don't touch mine.
4 - I've been able to talk my way out of several vehicular tickets. Speeding, talking on the cell phone, failing to come to a complete stop...
5 - I failed College Calculus two times - mostly because I didn't go to class. The third time I decided to at least attend class and managed to earn a C.
6 - I love watching reality TV - mostly because I don't have to think - mindless TV
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Flowering Bonsai Tree
Flowering Bonsai Tree
Monday, March 19, 2007
You want to be me?

My husband is compulsive about records and numbers. Nothing can go in the trash with a number, name, or account. I try to make a joke about it with my husband “really, no one wants to be you.” We have 2 shredders – just in case one breaks down :0 I realize that this could potentially be a serious problem, but the likelihood of it happening to any one person is low. It has been called a nightmare by many for the person who has their identity used. Therefore, we are vigilant with our records and “numbers.”
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) offers a PowerPoint presentation, streaming video, and multiple downloadable brochures to educate the public about ID theft. There are also various resources to help those who have had their identities stolen. These include what to do and how to file reports and complaints.
Educate yourself, family and children about Identity theft … I’ve heard that someone may want to be you!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Messages we send to children

Thursday, March 15, 2007
School Bus Safety
Here are two interesting facts from the NHTSA’s report ( ):
“In 52% of all crashes involving fatalities to occupants of a school transportation vehicle, the principal point of impact was the front of the vehicle. The second most common point of impact was the right side, followed by the left side.
The most common victims in school bus-related fatalities are drivers of other vehicles, followed by pedestrians.”
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
On-line Degrees in Higher Education
“Among the findings of February’s Times report by Sam Dillon:
· Students race through course work in about half the time of traditional universities.
· Phoenix’s graduation rate of 16% is among the nation’s lowest, with many complaints from the students.
· The Apollo Group, the university’s parent corporation, has seen its stock plummet after the filing of a lawsuit alleging fraud in obtaining and processing financial aid, resulting in much turnover among top management.
· About 95% of Phoenix’s instructors are part-time, compared to an average of 47% percent across all universities, according to federal statistics.
· Academic quality is sketchy.”
These statements do raise serious “red flags.” Any degree, at any level, should be earned and competency must be met before an advanced degree is conferred. If this trend continues, I foresee a serious impact on students and universities providing the convenience to their students.
Do students truly need to sit in a classroom in order to learn? Can there be alternatives to learning, especially for older students who have family and job responsibilities and would be prevented to partake in the normal classroom situation?
I have taken courses through various means – traditional classroom, video and on-line. Through my experiences, I have preferred the on-line method. This method must be structured in a way as to prevent “sketchy” learning and to ensure the desired outcome. My on-line classes always included several “chats” with instructors/fellow learners, textbook reading, papers, discussions and assignments.
I personally feel that it is up to the individual to make the most of their higher education experience. If an on-line format is chosen, the student must be more disciplined and dedicated to the course. If the proper environment is provided, and the learner is truly committed to their education, this method can prove to be successful.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Technology and the School Curriculum
The use of the Internet and websites in the classroom has been discussed by Bento (2000), in the article titled “Using the Web to Extend and Support Classroom Learning.” Bento (2000) points out the fact that an entire “on-line library, media and textbook recourses can be used during class to enliven, illustrate and expand lectures and discussions” (p. 604). The additional resources that may not be available in the school’s physical library will also enhance the student’s research, projects and presentations. Educators also may have the opportunity to post course material on-line for students. “If a student travels or miss a class she/he can access the course Web site and obtain the class handouts, notes, assignments, etc.” (Bento, 2000, p. 604). The development of a course website could be a class project at the beginning of the year. After the development phase, the teacher would be able to post the various suggested items. The students would have a vested interest in the website because they helped originally develop the site and would be very proud of their work. This method is a highly effective way to gain and keep the students interest in the site throughout the year. This is one example of a learner-centered environment.
A second example of a learner-centered environment can be found in the article “Not Just Computers: Learning By Doing” by Dickensheets (2001). Dickensheets stresses the importance of outstanding software programs that help to tutor students through “solving societal or business problems.” This real life connection may change the attitudes many students have toward learning. As educators it is our job to relate curriculum to the real world and life. When students fail to see this connection, many students may refuse to learn essential material. In this way, educators are able to “engage students who” do not “respond to the traditional methods” (Dickensheets, 2001, p. 40). In addition, “through the computers, the teacher now has the equivalent of 25 teacher’s assistants, giving just-in-time feedback to the student, along with an ongoing evaluation of skills” (Dickensheets, 2001, p. 41). Educators are aware that students thrive with individual attention and feedback. When individual attention is not possible, a computer software program could assist to give students the necessary attention and feedback.
A third example of a learner-centered environment can be found in the article titled “What is your vision of the future of technology education” (Technology Teacher, 1999). This article gives an interesting perspective of the future is given by six technology educators. These educators believe that the K-12 classroom will become a place to prepare students for the technology in the workforce. This preparation will be the basis for further education once students graduate and enter society. The future described for the students in these classrooms is bright. Students are able to learn through multiple sources geared specifically toward their individualized level and learning style. In addition, educators will have ample opportunities for pre-service and in-service training as well as continued support, guidance and resources. The educators in this article truly see the potential of technology in education.
One major basis for the theory of behaviorism stems from John Watson’s experiment of classical conditioning. Through Watson’s research, a link between stimulus and response (or reflex) is demonstrated. This research enabled the further understanding of emotional reactions due to a specific stimulus. However, classical conditioning does not explain all behaviors. These unanswered questions lead to further study of voluntary reactions, which were studied by Skinner through operant conditioning and Thorndike’s connectionism. Thorndike believed that ideas would be reinforced through positive and repetitive experiences. Finally, Guthrie researched on the breaking of bad habits through the changing or refocusing of an association for a particular stimulus and the negative response (Gredler, 2001).
In contrast, the theory of Gestalt focuses on perception of ideas and concepts. Max Wertheimer, who is thought of as the founder of Gestalt psychology, first explored this theory. The main focus of Gestalt’s experimentation was to apply the concepts of perception to how humans learn and think. Wolfgang Köhler experimented further with “insight” experiences. This type of experience is achieved through problem solving and the organization of solutions to form a conclusion to a given problem. In addition, Lewin and Wertheimer studied motivation to produce meaningful learning for each student. Finally, George Katona and Karl Duncker structured their individual experimentations around the premise that students have different approaches to solve posed problems. These approaches are based on the student’s individual perception of the ideas and concepts presented (Gredler, 2001).
When dealing with the theories of the Information Processing Perspective, Howard Gardner theorized that students have multiple intelligences and educators must be aware of these intelligences, which include: Linguistic, Logical, Bodily, Spatial, Musical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal ( Gardner suggests that we encourage and support students who do not excel in the "traditional" intelligences (Koch, 1996). Educators should assist students with successful interactions between peers and adults and assist students to excel in areas in which they are successful (Koch, 1996). The use of various technologies in the classroom will facilitate students who excel in the Gardner’s forms of intelligences.
When reflecting on the Constructivist Perspective, Vygotsky’s main theory premised on the fact that cultural-historical or sociohistorical experiences focus on the cognitive development of students. In addition, this theory focuses on the development of learning for each student. Vygotsky firmly believed that children develop thorough interactions with the rest of the world. These types of experiences enable the child to develop socially. In addition, children who lack these resources may be prevented from successfully mastering certain social skills or attaining information at the same rate as children with these resources. Finally, Vygotsky theorized that without the mastery of a set of particular signs and symbols within a certain culture, the child is at a disadvantage and unable to develop higher-level cognitive skills. Through the use of signs and symbols in the student’s culture, each student is able to apply current knowledge to new projects and studies. (Gredler, 2001) This theory is easily adaptable to a curriculum which includes media, computers, the Internet, etc.
In the classroom, educators should not only be aware of the major theories, which surround educational concepts, but also be able to apply these concepts to sound learning methods incorporating technology to facilitate a learner-centered environment. In order for students to develop critical thinking skills, it is imperative to incorporate the theories of Gestalt in the classroom. Students must be given the opportunity to find solutions to difficult problems in the classroom. The educator should serve as a guide, not as a solution giver. Through this solution process, students will positively reinforce their ability to solve difficult and meaningful problems, which will enable them to solve problems in their individual, daily lives. In addition, the theories of Behaviorism should be implemented in the classroom through the reinforcement of positive classical conditioning. Students in the classroom need to be taught and practice positive and appropriate responses to given situation in order to reduce the likelihood of negative behaviors. Through the use of various technologies and educational theories, educators are able to provide a positive learning experience for all students.
Bento, R.F. & Bento, A.M. (2000). Using the Web to extend and support classroom learning. College Student Journal 34(4). 603-8.
Dickensheets, K. (2001). Not just computers: learning by doing. Multimedia Schools 8(1). 40-3.
Gredler, M. E. (2001). Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice (4th ed). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Koch, C. (1996). Interview: Howard Gardner, The Bright Stuff. World Wide Web:
Newby T.J, Stepich D.A., Lehman J.D., and Russell, J.D. (2000). Instructional Technology for Teaching and Learning: Designing Instruction, Integrating Computers, and Using Media (2nd ed.). Merrill: New Jersey. Howard Gardner's Seven Types of Intelligence. World Wide Web:
Technology Teacher (1999). What is your vision of the future of technology education? The Technology Teacher 59(4). 32-5.
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